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General questions

In the world of cryptocurrencies money is not created, it is discovered. This process is known as mining.

plus icon What does Haverö offer? plus icon

Mining equipment, technical maintenance of equipment, software optimization, technical and strategic consulting, development and analysis of mining-based businesses, cryptocurrencies and Blockchain-based applications.

plus icon What audience does Haverö serve? plus icon

Haverö has the ability to work with a very diverse audience, from the smallest to the largest.

We work attending curiosities and needs with individuals passionate about Blockchain technology, we offer service collaborating with different companies looking for innovative solutions for their clients, and we present viable and profitable proposals to different groups of international investors.

We work attending curiosities and needs with individuals passionate about Blockchain technology, we offer service collaborating with different companies in the Digital Marketing sector looking for innovative solutions for their clients, and we present viable and profitable proposals to different groups of international investors.

plus icon What is the Blockchain? plus icon

The Blockchain technology is considered as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, because it completely redefines the system, until now known and applied, of doing business.

Nowadays, it is necessary the participation of a third party in a commercial operation to guarantee the authentication and verification of said operation, this actor is known as the intermediary.

The current traditional institutions such as notaries, lawyers, banks, among others and not as traditional as online payment platforms, PayPal, Neteller and others, perform this intermediary function. To put a simple example, banks, intermediate in money transfers, verifying that the sender has enough funds to make a transfer. By relying on a third organization to ensure execution, the system is considered CENTRALIZED.

Although these systems have worked over the centuries, they have innumerable disadvantages, because when dealing with centralized systems controlled by a single organization, the transparency of the processes can not be guaranteed. In the bank, for example, there could be an employee with bad intentions that manipulated the system in order to steal our money.

These vulnerabilities in centralized systems are solved with large investments in security and maintenance. Although it is worth mentioning that, if there were a gap in the system, it would be blocked for a time, thus causing an indeterminate interruption, apart from generating a great distrust among the members involved in the structure.

In short, all these preventive methods to guarantee “transparency” are summarized in a lot of effort, time and money. Not to mention, with the possibility that a breach could have disastrous consequences for one or several organizations involved.

After defining what a centralized system is, we can better understand the value that the Blockchain technology provides by being a DECENTRALIZED system.

Bitcoin was the first project developed using the Blockchain technology with the purpose of creating virtual transferable value among equals. By registering all the transfers in a decentralized public Blockchain, the intermediary was excluded, the problem of falsification and duplication of money was eliminated and, in addition, its peer-to-peer operation allows almost instantaneous transactions with minimum transfer costs.

In addition to all these features that Bitcoin gives us today with the Blockchain technology, in the hypothetical case that part of the system collapsed, it would continue to operate without interruption as it is a decentralized network.

In 2008, this was the original idea of ​​Bitcoin with the Blockchain technology, however, in 2015 a group of developers went further and with the creation of Ethereum they revolutionized the concept, mutating the original idea of ​​”transfer of value” by “transfer” of information “, in this case the intermediaries would be those who mediate in the transfer of information such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Google, among many, thus opening the doors of the fourth industrial revolution.

plus icon What is a Hash? plus icon

It is the backbone of computer security.

It works with a mathematical algorithm that converts any input, which can be text or number, into a series of characters with a fixed length, which can be compared to the unique fingerprint of each file.

If the original file is modified in the least, the Hash changes completely. In addition, it is irreversible, that is, it can not convert an already generated code into the file that generated that code, thus guaranteeing the confidentiality of the content.

The Blockchain technology works with Hashes, for example, to identify transactions or register the fingerprint of a file to later certify its authenticity.

plus icon How does Blockchain work? plus icon

The Blockchain works as a single record, agreed upon and distributed in several “nodes” of a network. In the case of cryptocurrencies, we can understand it as the accounting book where each of the transactions is recorded.

The nodes are computer equipment that participates in a concrete Blockchain network and are connected to each other through the peer-to-peer (P2P) protocol, which allows communication among themselves within the network, as well as disseminating information about transactions and blocks.

These blocks store a series of valid records or transactions and each one of them is defined by a Hash (unique fingerprint) that links it to the last block already registered in the chain of blocks and another Hash that defines what the next block should be that is going to link in the chain. Therefore, each block has a specific and immovable place within the chain, since each block contains information from the Hash of the previous block.

Each block is mathematically linked to the next block, once a new one is added to the chain, it becomes unalterable. If a block is modified, the Hash would change automatically and the chain would break. This means that all the information registered in the blocks is immutable and perpetual.

The entire chain is stored in each node of the network that makes up the Blockchain, so an exact copy of the chain is stored in all the network participants.

As new records are created, these are first verified and validated by the nodes of the network, which ensures the authenticity of said information, and then added to a new block that is linked to the chain. All this process is carried out automatically in a matter of a few minutes by the nodes known as miners, which receive a commission defined by the system when linking a block validated to the chain of blocks.

Being a distributed technology, where each node of the network stores an exact copy of the chain, the availability of the information is guaranteed at all times. In case an attacker wants to cause a denial of service, he should annul all the nodes of the network, since it is enough that at least one is operative for the information to be available.

On the other hand, being a consensual record, where all the nodes contain the same information, it is almost impossible to alter it, ensuring its integrity. If an attacker wanted to modify the information in the chain of blocks, he would have to modify the complete chain in at least 51% of the nodes, something hypothetical and improbable since the attack would exceed in costs the benefits that the attacker could obtain.

With these design and operation characteristics we can think of the Blockchain technology as a digital, non-human, incorruptible intermediary. A means to certify and validate any type of information. A registered database, reliable, decentralized, resistant to data manipulation, and where everything is registered without the possibility of modification or elimination.

plus icon What is a Smart Contract? plus icon

The Smart Contract is basically a software that executes agreements established between two or more parties, making certain actions happen as a result of the fulfillment of a series of specific conditions.

In the Smart Contract the conditions are programmed, they are digitally signed by both parties and it is introduced in a Blockchain network so that it can not be modified.

This type of intelligent contract provides greater security to the traditional contract since when a previously programmed condition occurs, the contract will automatically execute the corresponding clause. In addition to reducing costs and times in interactions.

plus icon What is a Token? plus icon

Tokens are value units that work with Blockchain technology publicly or privately. They are usually issued by private entities for the versatility they grant when it comes to redeeming services or making economic transfers within the corporation itself.

A Token has information that can be used to grant a right. It can represent an economic value, behave like a card redeemable for a specific service, representing working hours and can remain under the control of the company or be open to exchange in a globalized way.

When operating with the Blockchain technology, each Token transfer is registers in the chain of blocks so they become a reliable, transparent, unique and immutable tool.

plus icon What is mining? plus icon

The work of the miner consists of gathering the new transactions through a P2P network, storing them in a block and solving a complex mathematical calculation that requires power, time and electricity. Once solved, all that remains is to validate and anchor the block to the chain in order to receive the reward.

All this process is done in an automated way, by means of advanced computer equipment with optimized software that reduces the electrical consumption and increases the power of hashes per second of the equipment, always seeking to reduce block resolution times.

“The higher the power of H/s, the greater the chance of mining a block, therefore, an increase in profit.”

The linked blocks have a Hash pointer that links to the previous block, as well as a timestamp and the transaction data. When one of the miners solves the cryptographic problem, he warns the others, that they verify that this is indeed the case and they add that block to the complete chain of blocks they have in their memory.

Thanks to the use of a common block chain that is synchronized between the nodes, the irreversibility of transactions is achieved, which allows no one to corrupt the system.

plus icon What is cloud mining? plus icon

Mining in the cloud literally consists of renting the power of mining in a virtual way, based on a power (hash rate) and a time (days, months or years).

The strategy of building a mine and renting the power of mining, drastically reduces the risk of investment, by not depending on the volatile market of cryptocurrencies.

plus icon What is a mine? plus icon

A mine is a large number of miners sharing their power of mining H/s, thus increasing the chances of “solving the problem” before the other miners connected to the network.

By investing in the construction of mines, you gain a high capacity for mining power, which opens up the possibility of starting different lines of businesses, all with the intention to reduce risks and maximize the return on investment.

plus icon What is the pool service? plus icon

The miners who join in a mining pool share their power to raise the possibilities of solving the blocks.

The reward that is received for each block, and is managed by the pool itself, which is later responsible for distributing it among all the teams that have collaborated, based on the amount of work that each has done.

The pool charges an average rate of 1% to connected miners.

When sharing the power, the benefits are also shared but, the total amount of resolved blocks is increased considerably, therefore, the benefits are higher.